Monday, 18 January 2010

orange sheet

arco iris samba
Their costumes are very colourful and bold, colours as bright red. Each top has a lprint of the groups logo. The preformance is a lot more lively and dancey, more exciting. I think they create a sense of band identity with there mix of people but all. They are all very up beat and smiles and dancing a long to one another to interact, they have a leader to with a whistle to get everyone together. They invole people by being right in the centre of some where busy and making it very up beat and likeable. They arrange themselves by grouping instermuents together and similar sounds.

the Thudbox - Bal a
Their wearing what ever they fancy wearing, quite dull colours so they dont stand out. They are a lot smaller group. They have a lot more relax approach to their performance. They create their band with their laid back, mellow approach. They just seem to smile and remember when to just start when interracting with one another. They smile and idrect looks towards people to feel like they are involed. They dont have to much of an order on stage. The lights are good as they highlight the people well with out being to powerful.

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